Showing Tag: "biodegradable packaging" (Show all posts)

The bio packing is the way to go for suppliers

Posted by marionlara on Saturday, April 28, 2012, In : business 

We reside in a time in which we really need to be working on looking after our atmosphere. This is because the community is becoming more booming and the rubbish that we make and toss away is turning up. When it loads up, it jeopardizes the world that develops our food and pet environments. In other terms, the rubbish that we toss out into our community is modifying the experience of the world in a bad way. Of the products that cause great damage to the planet are packaging components. Biod...

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Use of bio degradable products leads to more profit

Posted by marionlara on Thursday, December 22, 2011, In : business 


The word “environment” is now of great concern for every human being. Each festival, every wedding, every occasion promote some amount of pollution to the nature. It is now on organization and government who have to take a step forward and make regulations regarding environment saving. Going green and making some efforts towards maintaining and saving the flora and fauna of the earth are an indispensable part of every corporate social responsibility initiative. From recent years “going...

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